miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Theoretical Background

Heart & skull tattoo parlar aurises With the purpose of giving you reach the forefront in the worl of tattoo to define quality in the tattoo as the balance between design and implementation.
Heart & skull introduces the concept of parlor mexico as a paradigm of exclusivity.
Tattoomania is a place.Set up with the idea of filling a gap in mexico where there was no reliable places to go to tattoo.After 17 years,over 27.500 tattoos,We have established and intend  to continue growing at the rate that our times demand

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Theoretical Background



The fresh tattoo requires some care must be taken if you want the healing process is adequate.
Remove the plastic within 3 tow hours after completing the tattoo, nos starting, use warm wates.
The ideal is to keep the tattooed area autdoors, but if you're in a part where this is not possible, you should cover it with plastic. The cleanline of te tattoo is recommended to do two times a day.
Avoid releasing the crust, whith it you could take the pigment. Avoid use of saunas or pools. Not expose your tattoo to the sun o therwise fsp blocker use 45 or more.
the result of a tattoo depends largely on  the recommendation provided that the right way. 

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Startig Point

  This proyect we are doing is done in Mexico city.

  This proyect we have been doing through the internet.

-What we want to achieve:
 Know the styles of tatoos in Mexico.
 How they adapt the society tatoos of Mexico.
 Know that elements work.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011



 With this project aims to analyze in depth the content of the tattoos in Mexico,as it does and how they are adapted in Mexican society.


* Check all that this referred to tattoos (machines, utensils, tents)
* Investigate wedher tattoos are accepted in society
* Understand the importance of a tattoo for one or more persons

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011


Officially called the United Mexican States is a country located in the southern part ofNorth America. It is the fifteenth largest country in the world. Its population is around 112 million people in 2010, most native language is Spanish. Mexico is the largest numberof Spanish speakers in the world. Mexico is a major tourist destination in Latin Americaand one of the 10 most visited countries in the world. Mexico is a major tourist destination in Latin America and one of the 10 most visited countries in the world.



Principal store:
MEXICO TATOOS: They are a company specialized in equipment for tattooing,
are over 18 years in the market and today remains the number 1 company in Mexico.
In its zeal to grow we offer the offer to ensure all its products,
not only if it did not work properly, also if you did not like.
Also for your convenience, your shipping offer comes to your city the next day, if you order them before 7pm
and if by some misfortune we do not happen that way, you offer $ 300 in merchandiseFREE!.

Principals tattooists:

Gustavo A. Madero

Masai Tattoo

Cherry Lou Tatoo

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Directrices para escribir el contexto

 1. Seguir las directrices para escribir el proyecto: longitud, márgenes, tamaño de carta, etc.

 2. Escribir una palabra clave o condenar el contorno para tener un amplio cuadro de que usted tiene que escribir en el contexto.

 3. Desarrollar sus ideas después del contorno; asegúrese que la organización del texto incluye un párrafo por cada idea principal con el apoyar ideas y ejemplos tomados de su diario.

 4. Tener cuidado con el empleo de lengua: la puntuación, la capitalización, la ortografía, la gramática tenses y todas las estructuras de lengua que pueden hacer su texto confuso o inexacto para el lector.

 5. En cuanto al contenido incluyen toda la información requerida por el lector para tener una idea completa de su contexto.

Estudiantes: el número, el género, años, estatuas socioeconómicas, actitud hacia el TL (el idioma de llegada), estudia hábitos, el nivel de habilidad, intereses, necesidades, aprendiendo estilos; otros: disciplina, experiencias anteriores con inglés.

 6. Revisar su texto, use la rúbrica propuesta y autoevaluar.

 7. Pedir a un compañero de clase de usted revisar su texto, anotarlo usando la rúbrica y dar usted comenta. (para hacer en la sesión de seminario)

Guidelines to write the context

1. Follow the guidelines for writing the project: length, margins, letter size, etc.

2. Write a key word or sentence outline to have a broad picture of what you need to write in the context.

3. Develop your ideas following the outline; make sure the organization of the text includes a paragraph per each main idea with supporting ideas and examples taken from your journal.

4. Be careful with language use: punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar tenses and all the language structures that may make your text confusing or inaccurate for the reader.

5. Regarding the content include all the information required by the reader to have a complete idea of your context: 

Students: number, gender, ages, socio-economic statues, attitude towards the TL (target language), study habits, proficiency level, interests, needs, learning styles; others: discipline, previous experiences with English.

6. Revise your text, use the rubric proposed and self-assess.

7. Ask a classmate of yours to revise your text, score it using the rubric and give you comments. (for doing in the seminar session)

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


1. This blog is to study, for the teacher us send tasks and jobs and they can be develop in the blog.

2. The name ofour blog is Tatoo

3.Our member are:
    Luisa Fernanda Parra Henao
    Sirley Viviana Uribe Zuluaga
    Veronica Londoño Pino
    Laura Rua Gaviria
   Jessica Alexandra Buitrago
